• Review existing book-keeping systems, identify the client's needs and make recommendations
• Prepare bank reconciliations on a weekly/monthly basis
• Completion and filing of VAT Returns
• Notify Revenue of all new contracts entered into and set up payment notifications in line with the new mandatory online RCT system
• Produce Management Accounts for month-end, quarterly or year-end periods
• Prepare payroll records on a weekly/fortnightly/monthly basis and issue payslips for each pay period
• Completion and filing of monthly P30 Returns and annual P35 return
We will help you keep all your returns up to date. We will inform you when the returns are due and request the relevant information needed for us to make the returns on time.
Our aim is to assist our client's and therefore we can offer the flexibility of providing our book-keeping service on-site (at your office) or off-site (at our office).
On-site bookkeeping
We call to your office, at a mutually agreeable time, and update your records using your systems and software.
Off-site bookkeeping
There are two options available:
1. You provide us with your paperwork and we process the data using our computer systems and software.
2. You provide us with your paperwork and we log in remotely to your system and process the data on your own systems and software.
All records will be returned to you upon completion.
The most important aspect is that the system works for you with the minimum of disruption but providing you with accurate and timely records